Raised in Cairns in Far North Queensland,
Ludij Peden has shown a fascination with painting houses. Her first exhibition, in Brisbane, entitled ‘Pub Crawl’ featured historic hotel buildings around Queensland and northern New South Wales. Ludij noticed the destruction of old houses as they where demolished to make way for modern buildings. By painting old Australian houses and cottages she captures the image before they disappear.
Ludij started using watercolours in the 1980's after heavy metals and the solvents in her oil paints made her very ill.
Recently Ludij discovered Genesis Heat Set Oils which are non-toxic and odourless and yet handle like traditional oil paint. They stay wet until dried with a heat gun.
Ludij's most recent solo exhibition in Cairns, ‘Contrasts’, featured a mix of oils and watercolour paintings featuring houses and scenes from across Australia and paintings from a recent trip to New Zealand.
Ludij and her husband live in Yungaburra on the Atherton Tablelands and Ludij has an art studio behind the house.